Resource Interchange File Format


Resource Interchange File Format Services

riff chunk that contains two subchunks image

“RIFF” chunks include an additional field in the first four bytes of the data field.
This additional field provides the form type of the field.
这块额外的区域提供了该chunk数据类型(form type)的说明。
The form type is a four-character code identifying the format of the data stored in the file.
数据类型(form type)是文件中定义数据format的4字符码。
For example, Microsoft waveform-audio files have a form type of “WAVE”.

“LIST” chunks also include an additional field in the first four bytes of the data field. This additional field contains the list type of the field.
The list type is a four-character code identifying the contents of the list. For example, a “LIST” chunk with a list type of “INFO” can contain “ICOP” and “ICRD” chunks providing copyright and creation date information. The following illustration shows a “RIFF” chunk that contains a “LIST” chunk and one other subchunk (the “LIST” chunk contains two subchunks).

riff chunk that contains a list chunk image


  1. Resource Interchange File Format Services